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When/where do the Ladies Meetings meet? 


We meet at Evergreen Baptist Church, in Bixby, from 7-9 pm on the second Tuesday in the following months:  August, October, February, and April.  Look for signs and greeters as you enter the main entrance.  Light refreshments and snacks will be served. Check the website Calendar for updates on all meetings. 


When/where do the Ladies Fellowship meet?


Meeting locations vary for Fellowships, but occur on the second Tuesday in the following months: September, December, January, and March.  Check the website Calendar for updates on all meetings.


Can Dads attend the Ladies Meetings/Fellowships?


Our Ladies Meetings/Fellowships are designed for ladies.  We DO want to include dads by encouraging our members to do the following:  organize family events, attend the two family events always scheduled (November and May),  dad/student activities, attend co-op orientation, support mom by coming to co-op, attend the college/high school/career information meeting, attend graduation meetings, and by helping get kids to events. We do ask that when a dad is interested in planning a family/student activity, that he contact the Steering Team to check the calendar and for approval.


What do my CHEER membership fees ($45.00) go towards? 


  • Membership Card - For discounts at local stores
  • Building Rental Fee - for Ladies' Meetings
  • Speaker Fee - Cost depends on the individual speaker
  • Meeting Expenses - Name tags, paper goods, snacks and refreshments
  • Copies - Meeting handouts, Team Leader training expenses
  • Website Domain/Web host fees
  • Miscellaneous Expenses - if the need arises
  • Insurance Coverage - Requirement for all CHEER gatherings including Co-op classes, meetings, etc...


Who can join Co-op?


Current members who have joined CHEER by OCTOBER 31ST AND HAVE MET THE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP: You are elegible for Co-Op registration for the following school year. 

The Steering Team has discretion to make any exceptions to this policy.  **Understanding that CHEER is a support group first and being involved in a team of choice is the true nature of CHEER


Where does Co-op meet for classes?


Broken Arrow Church of Christ (Operations Center)  505 E Kenosha St 

Click HERE for a map.


What does my Co-op Operations Fee go towards?


  • Co-op Admin fee: is $50 per enrolled student$150 max per family.
  • Building Rental Fee:  For Co-op classes
  • Miscellaneous expenses and operation fees: such as batteries, cleaning supplies, badges, electronic accessories, etc… ­
  • Copies: for classroom adminstrative binders, Front Desk binder, etc…


If I have a Pre-K or younger student who is only enrolled in one free class offered, (supply fee still applies) AND has an older sibling enrolled in a tuition-paying course, do I still need to pay the Co-op Operations Fee for that child?


No, Any Pre-K or younger student who is enrolled a free class ONLY, will have their Operations Fee waived IF they have at least ONE older sibling enrolled in a tuition-paying course.  The supply fee for the free class still applies.